Holy Spirit Guidance Clarified

The kingdom of God is of a different REALM, it is in a different DIMENSION from the physical that we experience around us and the only way that we can KNOW what is happening in the kingdom of God and what God is doing is if we HEAR from Him, if we are led by the Holy Spirit.

The only way that we can function as the body of Christ is if we are guided by the Holy Spirit, if we receive our instructions and guidance from the Head, Jesus Christ Himself. “Those who are led by the Spirit of God they are the sons of God.”

I often get asked how the Holy Spirit guides a disciple. and I want to share with you from my experience what I have been taught by the Holy Spirit.

In clarifying this subject I want to answer these questions. Firstly: WHAT does the Holy Spirit tell us?

The Holy Spirit gives us CLEAR GUIDANCE and INSTRUCTION. When the Holy Spirit speaks to you, you KNOW exactly what you need to do and you understand, He gives you INSTRUCTION.

The Holy Spirit also REBUKES us . The Holy Spirit has rebuked me and CORRECTED me harshly when I went wrong.

The Holy Spirit also gives us REVELATION of the UNKNOWN, of lies that people tell us. He tells us the TRUTH about circumstances. He lets us KNOW the TRUTH.

The Holy Spirit also commands us to action. He SENDS us to do certain things and He tells us exactly where to go, to whom to go and what we have to go and DO there. The Holy Spirit guidance is always CLEAR. You KNOW that it comes from HIM. There is no doubt in your mind whatsoever WHO spoke to you and WHO is sending you. It is not a FEELING, it is not just an URGE. It is a FIRM DIRECT GUIDANCE. You KNOW for sure.

The Holy Spirit also CLARIFIES many things that we do not understand. He clarifies the meaning of scripture. There are many interpretations of scripture that come from the minds of men.

Why are there so many different interpretations? It is because they do not come from the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of TRUTH who will guide us into all TRUTH, He will tell us the TRUTH and there is only ONE TRUTH. If you have heard from Jesus Christ then you have heard the TRUTH. Don’t listen to other people, don’t trust other people because then you will be deceived. You have to trust the Holy Spirit and He will guide you into ALL TRUTH.

People want to know HOW the Holy Spirit speaks. The Holy Spirit speaks in many different ways. He is UNPREDICTABLE, UNPRESCRIBEABLE and INDEFINABLE. He speaks AS HE PLEASES, and those who are TUNED IN, who SEEK Him, they will HEAR Him.

He sometimes speaks in a VOICE, you HEAR it in your SPIRIT. You hear it LOUD AND CLEAR. Sometimes He shouts and although other people might not hear it, you have heard it it and you experience it.

He also speaks in DREAMS. Not all dreams are from the Holy Spirit but when the Holy Spirit speaks to us in a dream, we will UNDERSTAND that it comes from Him. We have to PRAY about all dreams. If we are not sure about anything we must PRAY and the Holy Spirit will give us CONFIRMATION and CLARIFICATION.

Don’t run to other people. If Jesus speaks to you, go back to HIM. We have to be led by the Holy Spirit, not by other people and their interpretations. We have ONE TEACHER and that is Jesus Christ, He GUIDES us by His SPIRIT. Don’t find yourself some other teachers, you WILL be deceived. Go to Jesus and STAY WITH HIM and He will guide and teach you.

The Holy Spirit sometimes IMPLANTS, He just GIVES you WISDOM that you KNOW, does not come from yourself. You might be in a situation that you do not know what to do. It might be in a relationship with other people, it might be a work situation. In all things we have to ask wisdom from God who gives to all men freely. Maybe you do not know what to answer somebody who asks you something. In your heart PRAY and say:”Lord what must I say” and He imparts WISDOM, He puts WISDOM in you in that moment He puts the words in you mind, in your heart, IMPLANTED wisdom, IMPLANTED WORD OF GOD, if we ASK Him and if we TRUST Him.

The Holy Spirit also speaks to us through SICKNESS and CIRCUMSTANCES. Nothing happens without reason in the life of a child of God. If we follow Jesus Christ we belong to Him, He is our LIFE. He GUIDES OUR FOOTSTEPS. If we get sick or if things do not work out the way that we planned, if God destroys our plans then we have to go and pray and ask Jesus WHY. “Lord why am I sick? Lord why do my plans not work out? What is the message?” Jesus Christ speaks to us through ALL THINGS. all things are His servants. The Holy Spirit uses all things to speak to us but it is for us to ALWAYS go back to Him, always ASK, always SUBMIT ourselves to Him and He will give us GUIDANCE and UNDERSTANDING.

The Holy Spirit gives us UNDERSTANDING. There are many things that we do not understand in this world. There are many things that we might not understand, what Jesus said or what is written in the Bible BUT UNDERSTANDING of the TRUTH comes from the Holy Spirit.

One night I clearly heard these words:”1 John 5:20,” It was not a verse that I had memorized or knew what was written there. I read it:

“And we know that the Son of God has come, and has given us UNDERSTANDING so that we may know Him who is true; and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life.”

He gives us UNDERSTANDING of things that people marvel about, things that are hidden to the world and hidden to everybody else.

What is the REQUIREMENT to HEAR from the Holy Spirit, to follow His guidance?

We have to be ABSOLUTELY SERIOUS and WILLING to do the will of God. We have to be EAGER to follow and OBEY Jesus Christ and above all we have to TRUST Him.

If we do not TRUST Him we will waver and if we waver we are like the surf of the sea, the waves of the sea tossed to an fro, UNSTABLE. Our TRUST in Jesus and the Holy Spirit must be absolutely UNWAVERING, and we must OBEY Him. If we disobey Him, if we doubt Him, then we can not please Him. Without faith it is impossible to please God. If we are UNSURE we must ASK Him to CONFIRM, to speak to us again. But we have to trust HIM and nobody else.

Jesus said that every branch in Him that does not bear fruit will get CUT OFF AND BURNED. The only way that we can be fruitful in the kingdom of God is if we follow and obey the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We have to receive our instruction and guidance from the HEAD, Jesus Christ or else we cannot function in the Body of Christ.

Those who are led by the Spirit of God they are the sons of God.

Do not look to other people. Do not seek their advice. go to Jesus. seek Him with all your heart, ASK HIM and He will guide you. Obey Him and He will TEACH you. Do not look for examples from other people. Receive your guidance form Jesus Christ Himself. Remember, we have to follow Jesus Christ and not other people. Jesus Christ is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE. We have ONE Teacher, ONE Master, ONE Lord, ONE King of His Kingdom whom we have to serve if we want eternal life and that is Jesus Christ , nobody else. Seek Jesus, seek the Holy Spirit guidance . He will teach you and He will guide you into all truth.

May Jesus bless you.

About Jan Boshoff - finalcall07

A bond servant of Jesus Christ
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