SPIRITUALLY SHALLOW – Word of the Lord 2/3/2012

The word of the Lord came to me 2/3/2012

Many are SPIRITUALLY SHALLOW. They trust in their intellect. Their faith is in their intellectual insight. There is no depth in their faith. They stay in the shallow water where their feet can still feel the ground – they do not wade into the deep water where they truly trust Me. Their vessel has never left the safety of the harbor. That faith cannot save them because they do not trust Me. They are good at judging others but they fail to see their own hypocrisy.
They are entrenched in the world and will not cut their moorings, their umbilical chord. Come to Me and buy gold that has been purified, wade deeper. Let your faith be tested and proven. Leave the safety of the harbor and weather the storms where your faith will be proven. Cowards and people pleasers will not enter My kingdom – come out and share the rejection of those who trust in Me and follow Me away from the familiar shores. It is not the talkers that please Me, but rather the walkers who follow Me and go where I send them, who do what I tell them. My righteous ones will live by faith and if they withdraw I will have no pleasure in them.
Follow Me, until the end.

About Jan Boshoff - finalcall07

A bond servant of Jesus Christ
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